Parnassius (Driopa) eversmanni MÉNÉTRIÈS, 1855, femelle. 10 km au nord de Krasnorechenskij près de Dal’negorsk, 25 juillet 2010. Photo : J. Michel
(Cliquer sur cartes et photos pour un meilleur effet !)
Comme en 2010, l’ALF, en association avec Yuri Berezhnoi, propose des séjours ou périples en Sibérie. Les dates précises n’en sont pas encore fixées : elles le seront prochainement en fonction des choix des inscrits (déjà plusieurs participants). Il va sans dire que les mois de juin et de juillet sont les plus propices avec une entomofaune plus abondante et plus diversifiée.
Mr. Yuri Ivanovich Berezhnoi
Speaks Russian & English
5-35 Lipovskaya Street, Lipetsk 398 002, Russia
Phone: +7-916-373-5774
18-26, Safonov Street, Vladivostok 690 011, Russia.
Phone: +7-916-373-5774
e-mail :
Pour l’été 2011, les destinations envisagées sont les suivantes :
– Oussouri (Primorie)
– Yakoutie : la région de Magadan
– Un périple de Vladisvostok à Krasnojarsk
– Le Caucase
– l’Altaï
En 2011, les propositions sont globalement les mêmes que celles formulées pour l’été 2010. C’est pourquoi, nous renvoyons les candidats vers ces deux articles :
– Voyage entomologique en Oussouri où l’on trouvera le descriptif complet (faune, localités, climat, hébergement, coûts) du voyage projeté
– Rhopalocères de l’Oussouri (Primorye) : le compte rendu du voyage de juillet 2010.
La carte ci-dessous indique l’emplacement des lieux de prospection entomologique.
1. La région de Vladivostok et les îles proches
Landscapes: broad-leaved (90%) and coniferous (10%) forest, river banks, marshes, seacoast rocks and vast meadows. Staying in a hotel or private flat of Vladivostok and visit collecting places by bus, electric train, taxi, sea ferry or/and the hired car.
2. La côte au Sud de Vladivostok et la Péninsule de Gamova
80 km south-west of Vladivostok. Landscapes: broad-leaved forest with inclusion at seacoast the pine trees, high rocks, sea beaches and vast meadows. Staying at a local guesthouse and getting places by step or/and the hired car.
Favonius orientalis MURRAY, 1875 ou F. ultramarinus FIXSEN, 1887 (?). Extrémité sud de la péninsule de Gamova, 29 juillet 2010. Photo : J. MIchel
Argyronome ruslana ruslana MOTSCHULSKY, 1866, femelle. Extrémité sud de la péninsule de Gamova, 29 juillet 2010. Photo : J. Michel
3. Autour d’Anisimovka : les Monts Livadijskij et le sommet du Grand Vorobei
60 km East of Vladivostok. Landscapes: broad-leaved (70%) and coniferous (30%) forest, meadows (including sub-alpine zone), river banks, marshes and rocks. Staying will be provided in a mountain-forest at a comfortable guesthouses or/and tour bases, with sharing a room for one or two persons. Collecting is by step and getting remote localities by local electricity train. You can hire also the car with driver for some days or the all tour time.
La taïga oussourienne (700 m), 6 km au sud d’Anisimovka, 19 juillet 2010. Le contraste thermique entre la température extérieure (26°C) et la fraîcheur de l’eau provoque la formation d’un brouillard au-dessus du torrent. Photo : J. Michel
Seokia (Limenitis) pratti eximia, MOLTRECHT, 1909, endémique des Mts Sikhota Alin. 6 km au sud d’Anisimovka, 19 juillet 2010. Photo : J. Michel
4. Les Monts Sinij
150 north-east of Vladivostok. Landscapes: big meadows, broad-leaved (60%) and coniferous (40%) forest, river banks and marshes among. Staying in a hotel or guesthouse of Spassk and Arsenjev cities and visit collecting places by local taxi, bus or/and the hired car.
Vue sur les Monts Sinij. En russe, « sinij » signifie « bleu ». De fait, ces montagnes, dans la lumière du matin ou du soir, semblent bleues. Photo : V. Zlobin
Seokia (Limenitis) pratti eximia MOLTRECHT, 1909, endémique des Mts Sikhota Alin. Oussouri (Primorskoe oblast), juin 2004. Photo : N. N. Balatskij
5. Région de Dal’negorsk
Two areas of Sikhote-Alin Mts, to your choice : in a middle and northern part of Ussuri region. Landscapes: broad-leaved (40%) and coniferous (60%) forest, meadows (including sub-alpine zone), rocks, river banks, marshes and small lakes. You will stay in a hotel of Dalnegorsk city (northern Ussuri) and guesthouse in Topolevyi village (middle Ussuri). Collecting localities are available by step, local bus, taxi or/and the hired car.
Parnassius eversmanni MÉNÉTRIÈS, 1855, femelle. 10 km au nord de Krasnorechenskij près de Dal’negorsk, 25 juillet 2010. Photo : J. Michel
Parnassius nomion FISCHER de WALDHEIM, 1823. 5 km de Dal’negorsk vers Monomakhovo, 26 juillet 2010. Photo : J. Michel
6. Le Lac Khanka
Khanka Lake area, 150 km north of Vladivostok. Landscapes: forest-steppe, meadows, marshes, river banks and vast lake. You will stay a local tour base or guesthouse and intended to collect by step or/and the hired car.
Yakoutie : la région de Magadan
12 juin au 5 juillet
East Siberia is a country of magnificent and wild Nature, still very little studied by naturalists and entomologists. We invite you to visit the great part of that country: Magadan region, with our entomological and Nature History tour.
About the region
See on the map of Russia the territory between Yakutia and Kamchatka – this is Magadan region. Local nature belongs to a polar zone, with larch forests and tundra, many marshes and lakes. Most areas are mountainous, at 700-1000 m altitude and maximum to 2300 m. Okhotsk Sea is an eastern frontier of the region, stretching 2700 km rocky seacoast. Magadan fauna is remarkable and presented by northern deer, snow sheep, brown bear, a plenty of small mammals, birds, fishes and insects. Flora is a «garden» of testy berries and nice flowers. This region of a France size populated just about by 130 000 citizens – a one of most not habited areas over the world!
Yakoutie : Monts Suntar Chajata, biotope de Parnassius arcticus. 10 juillet 2008. Photo : Yuri Berezhnoi
Magadan summer is warm: 18-23° C daytime at seacoast and to 5-6° degrees higher in interior areas. Sunny weather takes usually about 70 % of the season time.
Local insects
Not many species but most are interesting! – the definition of local entomofauna. It includes a complex of Polar-Asian taxons and many endemics. Magadan butterflies number about 130 species, including the only of genus Parnassius (5 species), Colias (7 species), Erebia (14 species!), Oeneis (6 species), Clossiana (8 species), Boloria and others. Quantity of adults is lower, than in southern regions but you can take a day an easy their 5-6 dozen batch. Moths are presented by rare Arctiidae, Geometriidae, Noctuidae and other families, numbering more than 1000 species. Collecting at lamp is a not beneficial, because of polar light nights, but you can get many interesting moths in a day time. Beetles, dragonflies and other local insects are also splendid and rare, and many of them still not described. The best collecting period in the region will be from June till middle July.
Parnassius arcticus EISNER, 1968. Yakoutie
Parnassius (Driopa) eversmanni magadana WEISS, 1971, mâle. Gusakova pass, Monts Nukh, district de Khasyn, Magadan, Russie. Photo : Pavel Gorbunov
Tour plan
We will arrange your visit during the tour several collecting areas, which have difference of insect fauna, meeting you in a first tour day in the airport and sending off there in the last day. It will be provided for the all tour time your lodging at comfortable apartments, feeding, guiding and entomology consultancy services, visa and registration. We can arrange on request your delivery by car with driver to and from insect localities. We are ready to help in collecting specimens, photographing and other member events. It may be organized on request a culture and shopping program in Magadan and other cities of stay. Note that two tour days will be spent in driving to and from remote collecting areas but it will be a possible to stop for catching insects 2-3 hours each time during the journey. Quantity of members: 1-4.
You have to take all your collecting and photographic equipment. If your tour program foresees a camping, bring please a tent, a sleeping bag and mat or airbed. Take some warm clothes, because the local evenings and cyclone days sometimes are very cold. Put to a baggage a small backpack for carrying equipment, lunch and water during collecting excursions. Bring trainers or sandals to walk by forest roads, boots, if you have plan of visit stony localities, and top-boots for the excursions after rain. Take a pack of a mosquito repellent, as gnats and midges are very numerous in that region. Have an umbrella or rain coat. Do not forget to take a little bell… (see under).
Magadan points are safe for tourist but note some dangers in a wild. The region has big population of brown bears. They are avoid to meet a man and usually not aggressive but fasten little bell to your backpack, which scaring them, for safety. There are many rapid streams in mountains. Do not cross the big ones without help of guide! The region has Nature protecting service. To meet its officer is very scant probability but put aside your net if sound car and man in area!
How to get Magadan
There are no railways in the region, and ground or sea ways are very hard and slow, so we recommend you to get the Magadan by plane. You can travel via Moscow, Vladivostok and other big cities in Russia, which have regular flights to and from the region, and order tickets through Internet cities of some air-companies, working there:, and If you have a problem on ordering tickets, do not hesitate to inquire for our support and we will try to help you. Please inform us soon after you booked the tickets about your flight number, date and local time of your arrival, so that we got enough time to arrange your meeting.
Dernières informations (au 1er mars 2011) : Tour with Yuri Berezhnoi in Yakutia, Momskyi Mts.
Those mountains of Pyrenees size is not investigated by entomologists. There is a chance to find new butterfly species and 100% chance for new subspecies. Travel is possible by helicopter by steps. In second case a tourist should have good physical conditions with experience in mountain tourism (about 80 km of hard way and same for return). Tour time is from 10 June to 5 July. By helicopter it may be shorter. Yuri can give more information on a such tour to any interesting person. He can collect specimens in reward for any investment for my tour to those mountains.
Le périple Vladivostok – Krasnojarsk
«Butterfly rally» tour, or travel by car from Vladivostok to Krasnoyarsk (about 5000 km), with collecting butterflies in several remote areas.
Tour plan is intended driving by comfortable car across east Russia, with seeing and photographing the sights along the road and places of stay, plus collecting different butterflies and other insects. Butterfly fauna of the tour area is very different, including various Parnassius, Colias, Erebia, Oeneis, Clossiana, Boloria, Limenitis, Neptis and other. Total you will collect about 70 species during the tour… and even more !
Staying is in road and city hotels and feeding in cafes and restaurants, and in hotels common foods from shops. It is possible on request of tour members to stay in some places also in tents. Tourist equipment for such events should be brought by tourist. The driver will be also your guide. He speaks English only with phrase book but it will be enough for a such tour.
The date of tour is any on the tourist choice, from 15 May till 1 August. The best time for collecting butterflies is from 1 June till 10 July, moths – from middle June till September (and in Ussuri till October).
Areas of stay :
Ussuri : 4 days
Khabarovsk region : 3 days
Amur : 3 days
Transbaikalien : 4 days
South Siberia : 4 days.
It will be visited several points in each area. You will see following big cities during the tour : Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk. Total tour time is 18 days, including about 5 days for driving.
Parnassius (Parnassius) bremeri BREMER, 1864, mâle. Obloutche, Birobidjan, Russie, 2006. Photo : Y. N. Sidelnikov
Parnassius (Driopa) stubbendorfii MÉNÉTRIÈS, 1849, femelle. Novosibirsk, Russie, juin 2006. Photo : Andylog
Tour cost will be following :
– transport from a home place to Vladivostok and return from Krasnoyarsk ; cost of car, including gasoline : 1700 euros a group a tour ;
– lodging at hotels and tour bases in collecting areas : about 450 euros a person a tour ; staying a tent – no cost or $4-5 a person a day in some camping areas ;
– feeding – at the choice of tourist and at 15 euros a person a day ;
– visa, registration, meeting and sending off, all tour arrangements and guide : 750 euros a person a tour, with discount 10% for a second and each other member.
Group size is maximum 6 persons. One car is for 3 persons. More than 3 persons : two cars.
Total tour cost a person in group of one member will be about 3150 euros ;
two members : 2250 euros
three members : 2000 euros
Cost calculated for staying all days in hotels (no tent).
Tour may be arranged on request at a shorter or longer time.
Les montagnes de l’Altaï
Biotope de Parnassius stubbendorffii stubbendorffii MÉNÉTRIÈS, 1849 (alt. 650 m). En-dessous des lacs de Karakol, 5 juillet 2010. Photo : J. Marquet
Le programme 2011 est le même que celui proposé en 2010. Pour en savoir plus, voir le compte rendu du voyage de juillet 2010.
Euphydryas iduna emerita CHURKIN & KOLESNICHENKO, 2003. Seminskij pereval (2000 m), 6 juillet 2010. Photo : B. Lalanne-Cassou
Parnassius phoebus phoebus FABRICIUS, 1798. Shebalino (900 m), 6 juillet 2010. Photo : B. Lalanne-Cassou
Parnassius stubbendorfii MÉNÉTRIÈS, 1849, mâle. Vallée de Kamdyt, piémont nord des Monts Katunskij, district d’Ust’-Koksa, Altaï, 3 juillet 2007. Photo : O. Kosterin
Dernières informations (1er mars 2011) :
It will be arranged at the same program as last year : a car with driver, staying hotels and guest houses (but on request also in tents) and feeding in cafes and shop foods. This year the staying do not reserved before the tour, that permits to change program during the tour, according the tourist requests. Good place – staying longer, bad – shorter… By the way, it is no problem to have apartments in Altai without booking. The driver will be other and better. Also he will be a guide. He speaks English only with phrase book but it will be enough for a such tour. You can hire an English-Russian interpreter at 65 euros a group a day.
The date of tour is any on the tourist choice, from 15 May till 10 July. The best time from collecting butterflies is from 5 June till 10 July, moth is from 15 June till middle August. Total tour time is 15 days, including about 2 days for driving. Group size is maximum 6 persons. One car is for 3 persons. More than 3 persons : two cars.
Total tour cost a person in group of one member will be about 2750 euros
– two members : 2000 euros
– three members : 1650 euros
Cost calculated for staying all days in hotels (no tent). Tour may be arranged on request at a shorter or longer time.
Le Caucase
Le voyage proposé concerne la région du Mont Elbrouz (Caucase occidental) du 5 au 20 août. Fin février 2011, nous n’avons reçu aucune candidature pour cette destination.
Parnassius (Driopa) nordmanni MÉNÉTRIÈS, 1849. Monts Aibra (Krasnodar), Caucase. Photo : Pavel Morozov.
Formalités et coûts
Cost of tour & payment
Our 15 day tour (Yakutia) will cost a person, in euros : 1800 – for a travel 1 tourist, 1550 – in a group of 2 members, 1350 – 3 ones and 1200 – 4 members. This value includes meeting and sending off the tourist in the Magadan airport, driving to and in collecting areas and return, lodging at two-person room in comfortable apartments, feeding, guiding and entomology consultancy services, visa, registration and tax for the tour arrangements. You should pay your air-tickets and other transport expenses to and from the place of the tour start. We accept a payment of tour in euros or/and in US dollars and roubles, according to the rate of Central Bank of Russia for a day of payment. We take pre-payment at 350 euros a person, which should be send to our bank account not later than 2 months before the tour start. The rest of payment is giving to the tour guide in a day of its start in cash but also may be sent beforehand to our bank account.
Pour les expéditions Oussouri et Altaï, le coût sera fonction des dates du voyage, du nombre de jours passés sur place et du nombre de participants. On aura une idée plus concrète en considérant les coûts pour les voyages de 2010 :
Altaï : vol Paris- Barnaul (A&R) : 680 € ; coût du séjour par personne sur la base de 4 participants pour 13 jours : 1500 €. Total : 2180 € par personne.
Oussouri : vol Paris – Pékin (A&R) : 600 € ; vol Pékin – Vladivostok (A&R) : 430 € ; coût du séjour pour une personne pendant 10 jours : 880 €. Total : 1910 € par personne.
We arrange visas to Russia, that takes 2-4 weeks, depending on a country, and need for its process a copy of your international passport, by e-mail in an Adobe Acrobat or Jepg form. Then we will send you by e-mail the visa questionnaire, to fill and get it back. The preparation of visa will start after pre-payment of the tour cost (see under).
Découverte de la lépidofaune en Transsibérien !
Cette suggestion de Yuri Berezhnoi sera proposée pour 2012 :
«I could arrange also very fabulous tour across all Russia by train, with stopping at some points and collecting butterflies. For example : the train from Moscow to Vladivostok and stopping at Urals, Baikal, Amur and Ussuri, each place 4-5 days. You will be travel incomfortable carriage with guide. You will see and photo all Russia and collect very variable butterflies !»