
Entomologie africaine (Société d’Entomologie africaine)

AfroMoths – An online data base of Afrotropical Moth species

African Butterfly Database – Butterfly Conservation Society (Ghana) & African Butterfly Research Institute (Kenya)

Lepidoptera Types of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Metafro)

Les papillons africains (M. Libert)

Butterflies : West Africa (photos)

ButterflyCorner : Butterflies of Africa

Butterflies of Africa

Butterflies and Moths of West Africa

Afrotropical Butterflies and Skippers – site de Mark C. William

Observatoire des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (OFAC)

African Moths

AfroMoths : Afromoths, online database of Afrotropical moth species (Lepidoptera)

Nyungwe Lepidoptera Diversity Project

Beetles of Africa

Albertine Rift Butterflies – Taxa List (avec photos : Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae)


Hesperiidae of Africa


African Graphium (Distribution of Afrotropical Kite Swallowtails)


Papilionidae – African Swallowtails

Papilionidae : Nireus group

Batesian mimicry in Papilio dardanus

Nyungwe Lepidoptera Diversity Project : Papilionidae


Nymphalidae of Africa

Les Charaxes africains

Les Euphaedra

Site des Acraea de Dominique Bernaud

Checklist of African Nymphalidae species


The Brenton Blue Butterfly Home Page (Orachrysops niobe, Lycaenidae). Afrique du Sud

Lycaenidae of South Africa

Lycaenidae of Africa

Afrique du Sud

Lepidopterists’ Society of Africa (Lepsoc) – Afrique du Sud

Conservation of Butterflies in South Africa

Conservation of Butterflies in South Africa – Research on Species

The Brenton Blue Butterfly Home Page (Orachrysops niobe, Lycaenidae). Afrique du Sud

Ramsgate Butterfly Valley

Collecting Butterflies – South African Butterfly Breeding Association (SABBA)

Sphingidae of South Africa

Saturniidae of South Africa

Hesperiidae of South Africa

Genus Papilio in South Africa

Genus Graphium in South Africa

Pieridae of South Africa

Lycaenidae of South Africa

Nymphalidae of South Africa


Les papillons africains (M. Libert)

Université Bordeaux I – Galerie papillons de la forêt afrotropicale (coll. Léopold Fournes : Cameroun)

Papillons du Cameroun & Gabon


Les papillons du Gabon.

Papillons du Cameroun & Gabon

Les coléoptères du Gabon


The Darwin Initiative Project – The Gambia : Biodiversity Research and Conservation in The Gambia, West Africa


Butterflies of Ghana

Ghana Butterfly Biodiversity Project

Africa – Butterflies


Butterflies and moths of Kakamega Forest (Kenya)

The Kipepeo Butterfly Project : Pupae supplier of Kenyan butterflies

Butterflies of Kenya (vidéo)

Albertine Rift Butterflies – Taxa List (avec photos : Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae)


Madagascar National Parks

La faune de Madagascar (Photos, dont photos de lépidoptères)

Sphingidae : Checklist of Madagascar species

Africa – Butterflies


Nyungwe Lepidoptera Diversity Project

São Tomé and Príncipe

Gulf of Guinea Islands’ Biodiversity Network


The Amani Butterfly Project (Tanzanie)

Albertine Rift Butterflies – Taxa List (avec photos : Papilionidae, Nymphalidae, Pieridae)


Papillons du Tchad


Papillons du Zimbabwe, page du site Flora of Zimbabwe

Île de la Réunion

Papillons de La Réunion

Lépidoptères de La Réunion

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