Lépidoptères du Sud-Est asiatique

idea blanchardii togiana
Idea blanchardii togiana ssp. nova sur lantana, Pulau Taupan, Togian Kep. (Sulawesi, août 2008). Photo : J.-M. Gayman


Quelques ouvrages sur les lépidoptères du sud-est asiatique

D’ABRERA, Bernard, Butterflies of the Oriental Region. Part I Papilionidae, Pieridae & Danaidae, Hill House, Victoria, 1982, 244 pp.

D’ABRERA, Bernard, Butterflies of the Oriental Region. Part II  Nymphalidae, Satyridae & Amathusidae, Hill House, Victoria, 1985, 290 p.

CORBET, A. S. and PENDLEBURY, H. M., The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, 3rd edition, Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, 595 p., 1978.

EK-AMNUAY, Pisuth, Butterflies of Thailand, Amarin, Bangkok, 2006, 868 p.

INOUE Hiroshi, Illustrated and annotated catalogue of the genus Milionia and allied genera (Geometridae, Ennominae), Tinea Vol. 18, mars 2005, Tokyo, 27 pages et 49 planches.

MATSUKA, Hirotaka, Natural History of Birdwing Butterflies, Matsuka Shuppan, Tokyo, 2001, 367 p.

PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 4, Lycaenidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1981, 215 p., 36 colored pls.

PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 2, Pieridae and Amathusiidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1983, 71 p., 48 colored pls.

PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 5, Hesperiidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1985, 152 p., 40 colored pls.

PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 6, Satyridae, Libytheidae and Riodinidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1988, 60 p., 64 colored pls.

PINRATANA, A. & ELIOT, J. N., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 1, Papilionidae and Danaidae, Bosco Offset, Bangkok, 1992, 78 p., 92 colored pls.

PINRATANA, A. & ELIOT, J. N., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 3, Nymphalidae, Bosco Offset, 2sd and revised edition, Bangkok, 1996, 140 p., 84 colored pls.

SHIMOGORI, Yukio, Achillides Butterflies, Endless Science Information, Tokyo, 1997, 106 p.

TSUKADA, Etsuzo & NISHIYAMA, Yasusuke, Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol.I. Papilionidae, 457 pp. (166 color plates), english edition published : July 1982.

YATA, Osamu & MORISHITA, Kazuhiko, Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol.II. Pieridae and Danaidae, 623 pp. (162 color plates), english edition published : May 1985.

Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol.III. Satyridae, Amathusiidae and Libytheidae, Japanese edition only.

Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol. IV. Nymphalidae Part 1, Japanese edition only.

TSUKADA, Etsuzo, Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol. V. Nymphalidae Part 2, 576 pp. (238 color plates). Japanese edition only, 1991.

VANE-WRIGHT, R. I. & de JONG, R., The Butterflies of Sulawesi. Annotated checklist for a critical island fauna, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch, Zoologische Verhandelingen, 2003, 268 p.

YAGISHITA, A., NAKANO, S. and MORITA, S., An Illustrated List of the Genus Delias Hübner of the World, Khepera Publishers, Tokyo, 1993, (I, planches, 409 pp. ; II, texte, 384 p.).

Nombre de ces livres (avec photos des ouvrages) figurent sur la page de Roppon-Ashi.

Sites internet

Butterflies of Southeastern Sulawesi
(Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae)
An Illustrated Checklist.
Southeastern Sulawesi includes mainland, Buton, Kabaena, Muna, Wowoni and Muna islands, and Kep. Tukangbesi.

VANE-WRIGHT, R. I. & de JONG, R., The Butterflies of Sulawesi. Annotated checklist for a critical island fauna, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch, Zoologische Verhandelingen, 2003, 268 p. Version pdf :
Butterflies of Sulawesi

AKINORI NAKANISHI, MOHD. FAIRUS JALIL & NORDIN WAHID, Catalogue of Swallowtail Butterflies (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae) at BORNEENSIS ; version pdf : papilionidae_borneo

odina decorata et leptotes plinius
Hesperiidae : Odina decorata HEWITSON, 1867. Lycaenidae : Leptotes plinius FABRICIUS, 1793. Punjen Hide Away, Wiang Kosai National Park (Thaïlande), avril 2012. Photo : Henrik Bloch



(D’autres sites internet concernant les rhopalocères et les hétérocères de la zone orientale figurent dans la rubrique « liens recommandés ».)


1 réflexion sur “Lépidoptères du Sud-Est asiatique”

  1. Bonjour,
    Le 2ème édition révisée de livre « Butterflies of Thailand » est sortie depuis 2012 :

    EK-AMNUAY, Pisuth, Butterflies of Thailand, Amarin, Bangkok, 2012, 943 p
    Marten RUNQUIST, Le Crès, Herault

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