Quelques ouvrages sur les lépidoptères du sud-est asiatique
• D’ABRERA, Bernard, Butterflies of the Oriental Region. Part I Papilionidae, Pieridae & Danaidae, Hill House, Victoria, 1982, 244 pp.
• D’ABRERA, Bernard, Butterflies of the Oriental Region. Part II Nymphalidae, Satyridae & Amathusidae, Hill House, Victoria, 1985, 290 p.
• CORBET, A. S. and PENDLEBURY, H. M., The Butterflies of the Malay Peninsula, 3rd edition, Malayan Nature Society, Kuala Lumpur, 595 p., 1978.
• EK-AMNUAY, Pisuth, Butterflies of Thailand, Amarin, Bangkok, 2006, 868 p.
• INOUE Hiroshi, Illustrated and annotated catalogue of the genus Milionia and allied genera (Geometridae, Ennominae), Tinea Vol. 18, mars 2005, Tokyo, 27 pages et 49 planches.
• MATSUKA, Hirotaka, Natural History of Birdwing Butterflies, Matsuka Shuppan, Tokyo, 2001, 367 p.
• PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 4, Lycaenidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1981, 215 p., 36 colored pls.
• PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 2, Pieridae and Amathusiidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1983, 71 p., 48 colored pls.
• PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 5, Hesperiidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1985, 152 p., 40 colored pls.
• PINRATANA, A., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 6, Satyridae, Libytheidae and Riodinidae, Viratham Press, Bangkok, 1988, 60 p., 64 colored pls.
• PINRATANA, A. & ELIOT, J. N., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 1, Papilionidae and Danaidae, Bosco Offset, Bangkok, 1992, 78 p., 92 colored pls.
• PINRATANA, A. & ELIOT, J. N., Butterflies in Thailand, Vol. 3, Nymphalidae, Bosco Offset, 2sd and revised edition, Bangkok, 1996, 140 p., 84 colored pls.
• SHIMOGORI, Yukio, Achillides Butterflies, Endless Science Information, Tokyo, 1997, 106 p.
• TSUKADA, Etsuzo & NISHIYAMA, Yasusuke, Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol.I. Papilionidae, 457 pp. (166 color plates), english edition published : July 1982.
• YATA, Osamu & MORISHITA, Kazuhiko, Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol.II. Pieridae and Danaidae, 623 pp. (162 color plates), english edition published : May 1985.
• Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol.III. Satyridae, Amathusiidae and Libytheidae, Japanese edition only.
• Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol. IV. Nymphalidae Part 1, Japanese edition only.
• TSUKADA, Etsuzo, Butterflies of the South East Asian Islands, Vol. V. Nymphalidae Part 2, 576 pp. (238 color plates). Japanese edition only, 1991.
• VANE-WRIGHT, R. I. & de JONG, R., The Butterflies of Sulawesi. Annotated checklist for a critical island fauna, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch, Zoologische Verhandelingen, 2003, 268 p.
• YAGISHITA, A., NAKANO, S. and MORITA, S., An Illustrated List of the Genus Delias Hübner of the World, Khepera Publishers, Tokyo, 1993, (I, planches, 409 pp. ; II, texte, 384 p.).
Nombre de ces livres (avec photos des ouvrages) figurent sur la page de Roppon-Ashi.
Sites internet
Butterflies of Southeastern Sulawesi
(Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae)
An Illustrated Checklist. Southeastern Sulawesi includes mainland, Buton, Kabaena, Muna, Wowoni and Muna islands, and Kep. Tukangbesi.
• VANE-WRIGHT, R. I. & de JONG, R., The Butterflies of Sulawesi. Annotated checklist for a critical island fauna, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch, Zoologische Verhandelingen, 2003, 268 p. Version pdf :
Butterflies of Sulawesi
• AKINORI NAKANISHI, MOHD. FAIRUS JALIL & NORDIN WAHID, Catalogue of Swallowtail Butterflies (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae) at BORNEENSIS ; version pdf : papilionidae_borneo

(D’autres sites internet concernant les rhopalocères et les hétérocères de la zone orientale figurent dans la rubrique « liens recommandés ».)
Le 2ème édition révisée de livre « Butterflies of Thailand » est sortie depuis 2012 :
EK-AMNUAY, Pisuth, Butterflies of Thailand, Amarin, Bangkok, 2012, 943 p
Marten RUNQUIST, Le Crès, Herault