The Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) of Papua – The Papua Insects Foundation
Australian moths on line (CSIRO)
Pictures of Moths in Australia
Chenilles d’Hétérocères d’Australie
ButterflyCorner : The Australasia/Indomalaya ecozone
The Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) of Papua – The Papua Insects Foundation
Check-list of the Birdwing Butterflies (Ornithoptera)
Les Ornithoptères (Pteron, site japonais)
Atrophaneura (Pteron, site japonais)
Nymphalidae of Papua Indonesia (Papua Insects Foundation)
Le genre Cethosia
Le genre Idea
Lepidoptera – Butterflies and Moth families – Graeme’s Insects of Townsville, Australia
Lycaenidae : le genre Ogyris
Lycaenidae : le genre Hypochrysops
Insects of Tasmania : Lepidoptera
Brisbane Insects and Spiders Home Page
Brisbane area : Papilionidae
Brisbane area : Pieridae
Brisbane area : Nymphalidae
Brisbane area : Lycaenidae
Brisbane area : Hesperiidae
Australian moths on line (CSIRO)
Families of Moths in Australia
Lifeunseen : Butterflies & Moths (Queensland)
Moth Identification – LeapFrogOz
Australian Lepidoptera – Flickr : images of moths and butterflies from Australia, particularly Canberra
Lepidoptera Photos – Laura Levens (Australie)
Australia Butterflies – Reiner R.’s diary
Noctuidae d’Australie (CSIRO)
Geometridae d’Australie (CSIRO)
Sphingidae d’Australie (CSIRO)
CSIRO (Australia) : Lasiocampidae
Nouvelle Guinée (Papua, PNG)
Sphingidae de Papua (Papua Insects Foundation)
Nymphalidae of Papua Indonesia (Papua Insects Foundation)
Photos de lépidoptères de Papua (Flickr)
Butterflies of Papua New Guinea
The EntomID-PNG project aims to compile a database of all Papua New Guinea insect species
The New Guinea Binatang Research Center
La récolte des papillons... sauve les papillons (Papouasie Nouvelle Guinée)
Sustainable Insect Farming in Papua New Guinea
Protection des Ornithoptères en Papua
Nouvelle Zélande
NZ Butterflies and their caterpillars
Liste des papillons diurnes de Nouvelle Calédonie
Cook Islands Biodiversity : Lepidoptera
Solomon Islands : An Overview of the Butterfly Trade (À propos d’Ornithoptera victoriae)
Lepidoptera of French Polynesia