Tree of Life : Nymphalidae

Nymphalidae Swainson, 1827 (Funet, Markkus Savela)

The Nymphalidae Systematics Group : Systematics and Evolution of Nymphalidae (Université de Turku, Finlande)

Nymphalidae (Pteron, site japonais)

Le genre Vanessa


Nymphalidae – Paläarktische Schmetterlinge – Heiner Ziegler – Euroleps

ButterflyCorner : The Palearctic ecozone (Asia) : Nymphalidae

ButterflyCorner : The Palearctic ecozone (Europe) : Nymphalidae

List of Argynniidae (Oleg Kosterin : Russia, Siberia, Central Asia)

List of Melitaeinae (Oleg Kosterin : Russia, Siberia, Central Asia)

Identification des Nymphalidae (site russe)

Identification des Nymphalidae 2 (site russe)

Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa : Nymphalidae

Nymphalidae of Europe

Nymphallidae of temperate Asia


Le genre Cethosia

Checklist of Oriental Nymphalidae species

Danaidae, Satyridae, Nymphalidae, Hesperiidae (site chinois : Taiwan)

Thaibugs – All about Thailand’s Insects : Nymphalinae

Thaibugs – All about Thailand’s Insects : Charaxinae

Nymphalidae of the Indian subcontinent

Nymphalidae of Thailand, Malaysia & Borneo


Nymphalidae of Papua Indonesia (Papua Insects Foundation)

Nymphalidae in Australia

ButterflyCorner : The Australasia / Indomalaya ecozone : Nymphalidae

Le genre Cethosia

Brisbane area : Nymphalidae

Nymphalidae of Australia & New Zealand


Les Charaxes africains

Nouvelles espèces de Charaxes d’Afrique centrale (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) – pdf

Euphaedra (Lepidoptera Types of the Royal Museum for Central Africa)

Nymphalidae of South Africa

Nymphalidae of Africa


Interactive Listing of American Butterflies : Nymphalidae

ButterflyCorner : The Nearctic Ecozone (North America) : Nymphalidae

Nymphalidae of Mexico, USA and Canada


Nymphalidae of the Amazon and Andes

Interactive Listing of American Butterflies : Nymphalidae

Neotropical Butterflies (Nymphalidae)

ButterflyCorner : The Neotropic ecozone (South America) : Nymphalidae

Vidéo : Nymphalidae Butterflies from Yungas Bolivia – part one

Le genre Morpho et la sous-famille des Morphinae (Nymphalidae) – Patrick Blandin

Morphinae (Markku Savela – Funet)



Pteron (site japonais) : Morphini

Vidéo : The Morphos from Yungas – part one

Agrias : The Gems of the Insect World

Website dedicated to Agrias butterflies

Vidéo : Agrias claudina lugens in Yungas

Le genre Callicore

NYMPHALIDAE – Amérique du sud – Genus Callicore Hübner, 1819

Le genre Perisama

Prepona Boisduval, 1836

Nymphalidae (Cahurel)

Nymphalidae sud-américains : les genres Eunica et Catonephele




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