Nous avons trouvé sur le net le Cristalino Jungle Lodge, réservé aux amateurs de papillons disposant de quelques économies puisque les tarifs varient de 160 à 298 USD par nuit par personne selon le type d’hébergement et la saison !
The Cristalino Jungle Lodge is nestled in the middle of a Private Rainforest Reserve in the Southern Amazon, allowing visitors to have a great immersion in the ecosystem. The pristine Cristalino River, with clean and beautiful water, lies just in front of the lodge. This region is recognized as an important area of the Amazon in terms of biodiversity. The exceptional number of species, even by the Amazonian standards, makes this one of the richest places in the Amazon for observing birds, mammals, butterflies and flora. There is a great variety of endemic species (i.e. that only inhabit this particular region). On a macro approach, the lodge forest reserve is located just beyond the borders of the Cristalino State Park, an extremely important conservation area with 456,800 acres. The park is connected to other protected areas forming a huge conservation zone.
Sur la forêt amazonienne de cette région, voir sur le site du Royal Botanic Garden (Kew) la page consacrée à la Fundação Ecológica Cristalino (FEC). Avec une carte interactive et photos.
Cristalino Jungle Lodge propose un programme » papillons » que l’on trouvera sur leur site en cliquant sur » Activities & Programs « , puis sur » Butterfly « . Cette page propose une bonne série de photos de rhopalocères et décrit les activités proposées :
The Neotropical region has often been known as a realm of birds, but one might similarly sustain for it to be known as the land of butterflies, which even though no so directly conspicuous, entertain the various levels of the rainforest in an unbelievable richness of colors and forms. The Cristalino Region is being researched by important organizations and individuals, which led to a large list of approximately 1,800 species of butterflies – which makes this one of the most remarkable places in the Amazon for butterfly observation.
These programs are designed for people with a primary interest in butterflies. People with general interest in nature should choose our ecotourism programs, which also encompasses butterflies.
The activities will be focused on finding and photographing butterflies, in the same way the birdwathcing activities are centered on birds. However, butterflies usually are most active during the sunny hours, which mean most events will be held from about 9am to 3 pm. The tour will be organized to meet the areas of interests of your group.
The number of nights varies from 5 to up to 8. Usually, our clients stay 6 nights because this is an adequate timeframe for viewing many species of insects and butterflies.
Unlike other programs, the butterfly packages are only available from May to November because this is the time of the year when most species can be easily seen.
Photos de papillons sur cette page.
Butterflies : Cristalino Jungle Lodge & Cristalino Park (Alta Floresta region- Southern Amazonia, Mato Grosso, Brazil)
First data collected by Dr. Keith Brown. More studies are still to be accomplished in order to complete the present list. Division by scientific names in progress.
Papilionidae : Battus belus, Heraclides torquatus, Parides sesostris, Parides vertumnus
Pieridae : Phoebis sennae, Melete lycimnia
Danaidae : Lycorea cleobaea
Ithomiidae : Callithomia lenea, Hypothyris euclea, Mechanitis polymnia, Methona megisto, Methone magnarea, Napeogenes sylphis, Oleria astraea, Scada theaphia
Heliconiidae : Dryas iulia, Heliconius erato, Heliconius wallacei
Brassolidae : Caligo eurilochus
Satyridae : Cithaerias esmeralda, Euptychia mollina, Euptychia picea, Euptychia westwoodi, Haetera piera, Pierella lena, Taygetis angulosa, Taygetis mermeria, Taygetis sylvia
Libythinidae : Libytheana carinenta
Nymphalidae : Adelpha delphicola, Adelpha iphiclus, Adelpha mesentina, Adelpha mesentina amazona, Adelpha phylaca, Callicore astarte, Callicore cynosura, Callicore pygas, Catacore kolyma, Catonephele numilia, Colobura dirce, Consul fabius, Diaethria clymena, Doxocopa agathina, Doxocopa laure, Dynamine athemon, Eresia eunice, Eresia nauplius, Hamadryas amphinome, Hamadryas chloe, Hamadryas iphthime, Historis odius, Junonia evarete, Marpesia berania, Marpesia orsilochus, Marpesia petreus, Memphis morvus, Memphis ryphea, Morpho achilles, Morpho menelaus, Napeocles jucunda, Nessaea obrinus, Prepona demophon, Prepona omphale, Siderone marthesia, Siproeta stelenes, Temenis laothoe, Tigridia acesta, Zaretis itys
Riodinidae : Ancyluris aulestis, Melanis albugo
Heterocera : Ctenuchinae, Lasiocampidae, Urania leilus